2014 International Conference on Education Economic and Information Management(EEIM 2014)

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2014 International Conference on Education Economic and Information Management(EEIM 2014)
April 29-30,2014,Saipan,America
The EEIM 2014 conference provides a forum for engineers and scientists in academia, industry, and government to address profound issues including technical challenges, safety, social, legal, political, and economic issues, and to present and discuss their ideas, results, work in progress and experience on all aspects of Education Reform and Management Innovation .

2014 International Conference on Education Economic and Information Management(EEIM 2014)

2014 International Conference on Education Economic and Information Management(EEIM 2014) 

April 29-30,2014,Saipan,America

2014 International Conference on Education Economic and Information Management(EEIM 2014)


会议全称:2014 International Conference on Education Economic and Information Management

简写:EEIM 2014




IERI出版社:Advances in Education Research Journal ,ISSN 2160-1070 (美国).

SMSSI出版社:Singapore Management and Sports Science Institute,ISSN 2251-3051(新加坡).

CPCI/ISTP检索时间:会后3-12个月内 (遵循“先截稿先出版”、“先出版先送检”的原则)会议召开结束后,所有参会论文均送汤姆森公司ISI检索,承诺文章100%被CPCI全文检索(旧称:ISTP核心检索)。




责任编辑:黄编辑   联系QQ252209622  咨询电话:0523-82829310  手机13815995537 

-------------------以下英文版本ISTP会议EEIM 2014资料介绍------------------

We are delighted to invite you to participate in 2014 International Conference on Education Economic and Information Management(EEIM 2014),Saipan,America. The objective of EEIM 2014 is to provide a forum for researchers, educators, engineers, and government officials involved in the general areas of Education Reform and Management Innovation to disseminate their latest research results and exchange views on the future research directions of these fields.

The EEIM 2014 conference provides a forum for engineers and scientists in academia, industry, and government to address profound issues including technical challenges, safety, social, legal, political, and economic issues, and to present and discuss their ideas, results, work in progress and experience on all aspects of Education Reform and Management Innovation .

The goal of this conference is to bring together the researchers from academia and industry as well as practitioners to share ideas, problems and solutions relating to the Education Reform and Management Innovation.

All accepted papers will be published by CSRP,Germany or IERI,USA, EEIM 2014 which will be indexed by CPCI(Old name:ISTP) and submitted for indexing by EI Compendex. Selected papers will be published in the following journals.

International Core Journal of Scientific Research & Engineering Index [ISSN 2224-6576]

Advances in Education Research Journal [ISSN 2160-1070]

Lectute Notes in Information Technology [ISSN 2070-1918]

Beautiful Brocade Journal [ISSN 1674-5140]

ISI-2014 International Conference on Education Economic and Information Management(EEIM 2014)
Call for Papers

This conference provides opportunities for the delegates to exchange new ideas and application experiences face to face, to establish business or research relations and to find global partners for future collaboration.Submitted conference papers will be reviewed by technical committees of the Conference.
Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:

1.Engineering Education
Engineering Education Reform
Education Reforms
Discipline, Specialty Construction and Talents Cultivation
Engineering Education Model
Engineering Education Management
Re-engineering of Engineering Education
Cultivation of Innovatory Spirit and Engineering Ability
Basic Science in Engineering Education
Engineering Practice Teaching
Evaluation of Engineering Education
Project Teaching
Practical Teaching Reform
Cooperative Education
Vocational and Technical Education
Changes and Challenges in Engineering Education
Interactions between Enterprise and Education
Pricing and Economic Analysis of Engineering Education
Social and Cultural Impact of Modern Communications for Engineering Education
International Recognition of Qualifications.
Vocational Education Psychology
Higher Pedagogy
Continuing Education & its Delivery
Studies in Engineering and the Needs of the Production and Market
Globalization in Education Challenges and Problems
Management of Educational Institutes
Psychological Aspects and Relations between Lecturers and Students.

2.Educational Technology
Distance Learning and Distance Teaching
Computers for Education
E-Learning, E-Business, Enterprise Information Systems, & E-Government
Educational Software and Development
Intelligent Reboots
Classroom Monitoring
Multimedia for Education
New types of Examinations
Management system of education
Virtual school, Virtual Classroom
Transfer of Know-how for educational technologies
Educational technologies for People with Special Needs
Quality Assurance in educational technologies.
Resources and Funds in educational technologies.
Web-Based Education and Training
Web-Management of education
Exercise System without Paper
Examination System without Paper
Innovation management in educational technologies
E-school and E-university
Application of Educational Technology in Career Education
Application of Educational Technology in Continuous education
Application of Educational Technology in Lifelong Education
Privacy issues for education
Distributed computing and distributed data bases for education

3.Application of Information Technology
Services computing
Disaster Management Information Technology
Technology Transfer & Globalization
Emerging Technology Management
Information Security/Privacy
Information Technology & Engineering
Human-Computer Interaction
Decision Technologies, Legal Aspects of IT
Adoption Models
Social and Behavioral Aspects of Information Systems
Web-based Information Systems and Applications
Collaboration Systems and Technology
Cross-Organizational and Cross-Border IS/IT
Knowledge Management
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
Information Resource Planning (IRP)
Finance and Industrial Optimization
Managerial and Engineering Optimization
Business Value of Information Systems
Web-Based Education and Training

4.Technology topics
Engineering Management, Process Improvement, Human Resource Management, Project Management, Logistics Management, Quality Control, Service Science, Enterprise Management, Production Management, Agile Manufacturing, Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Enterprise Resource Planning, Knowledge Management, Information Management, Organizational Management, E-Commerce, E-Government, Mobile Commerce, Customer Relationship Management, Just In Time Production, IT Service Management, Decision Support Systems, Business Intelligence, Supply Chain Management, Expert System, Knowledge Networks, Web Services, Data Mining, Grid Computing & Applications, Internet Computing, Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques & Applications, Security issues of information system

Paper Submission

责任编辑:黄编辑   联系QQ252209622  咨询电话:0523-82829310  手机13815995537         


Papers will be presented in plenary, oral and poster forms and all presented papers will be published. Authors wishing to submit a contribution should read the following instructions carefully and send an abstract to the address given below. The abstract should contain a cover letter and a one-page (A4-size) summary.

Cover letter should include:
●Title of paper
●Name, mailing address, email address, telephone and fax number of the presenting authors
●Names and affiliations of additional authors
●Person to whom correspondence should be sent, if other than the presenting author
●Preferred session for the paper (AD1 to AD10)
●Preference for oral or poster presentation

One-page summary should include :

●Title of paper
●Names and affiliations of all authors
●Person to whom correspondence should be sent, if other than the presenting author
●A 300 word summary with one or two figures

Authors should submit the full manuscript of their technical paper in MS word format. Final manuscript should contain a cover letter and a technical summary. Technical summary is limited to four A4 size pages (five pages for Plenary Papers).

Cover letter should clearly state:
● Title of paper
● Name, mailing address, email address, telephone and fax number of the presenting authors
● Names and affiliations of additional authors
● Person to whom correspondence should be sent, if other than the presenting author
● Paper No (if have not received or forgotten, kindly provide Session No and Presentation Format)

Technical summary should include: 
● Title of paper
● Names and affiliations of all authors
● Abstract and keywords

The paper must be written in English. For all important information on how to prepare and submit your manuscript please check the Instructions for Preparation of Manuscripts. When submitting papers electronically, you must submit Copyright Transfer Agreement online or by email or fax.




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